The cultivation
To guarantee that the vanilla orchids, selected with care from deep in the forest, can grow in the best conditions and producehigh-quality flowers, they are planted in selected lands :
– for their wealth of natural organic amendments provided by the lush vegetation,
– for their most favorable exposures to vanilla plants (approximately 50% sunshine, thus promoting good growth and maximum flowering in terms of quality).
Planted using the “looping*” method in humus enriched with characterful compost (crushed coconut palm), the vines benefit from all the mineral elements essential for their good growth.
*technique used to promote the nutrition of the liana by directing the distant stems provided with roots, several times in the nourishing substrate.

The vanilla tree is a plant of the orchid family having the shape of a vine and living wild in a humid tropical forest environment.
In the wild, it lives and clings to supports (tree trunks) using crampons emitted from the stem. This orchid grows well on humus-rich soils in deep, humid valleys.
The vines are planted by cuttings in plant compost at the foot of a stake which will serve as a support.
There are two types of tutors:
The artificial stake (planting under shade)
> wooden post or any other artificial support, made available to the liana
The artificial stake (planting under shade)
> wooden post or any other artificial support, made available to the liana